The process of selling a home is the same, whether the owner chooses FSBO selling, or selling through a traditional real estate agency. At some point, it may cross your mind that real estate agents may not be able to secure your best interests. Your description should mix factual information not covered in the standard listing data with sales copy that grabs buyers’ attention. Buy Owner has assembled a powerful partnership network that enables us to expose your home to the broadest range of potential buyers possible.
A good Realtor can not only sell your house faster and for more money, but they can help make sure you follow the real estate law and know your rights. If you want to sell your house without an agent, you’ll need to know exactly what you’re doing in order to get the money you deserve.
Traditional agents usually split a 6 percent commission between the listing agent, the selling agent, and their respective brokers. It is important to get your name and company name in front of these leads as many times as possible during the initial sales cycle, as you never know when the prospect will become an active lead.
The internet is now by far the most popular way for buyers and tenants to find suitable properties for sale or lease. Many FSBO sellers overestimate the price they should put on their property, put off potential buyers, then have to sell at a lower price later on when they’ve had the property sitting on the market for a while.
This real estate listing data, while proprietary, is not restricted to real estate agents, it is available to virtually anyone that has access to the internet. Shielding you from unqualified buyers who would otherwise waste your time trooping through your home.