Close to 25{7c352f4fa08585812fe49d64b966ab1fc9eda250e0643651a7855d798aa89d13} of all the homes sold in the USA are sold for sale by owner (FSBO). One tip: Look at states that have high foreclosure rates, like Florida or Nevada States like these will have more FSBO homes because homeowners will be more likely to fall victim to the foreclosure process – which means they are more likely to try and sell their home before that happens.
Historic FSBO sites generally charge from $200 – $1200 for marketing materials or flat-fee MLS listings that are then posted at Flat-fee MLS listings usually sound like a good idea, but rarely will a traditional agent (who the MLS is built around) treat a flat-fee listing the same as a traditional listing; simply it is not in the agent’s interest to show homes that are flat-fee listings if the agreement with the seller is such that a traditional agent will not be paid for introducing a buyer and a seller.
Sometimes, the process may be referred to as selling privately , which shouldn’t be confused with the private treaty method of sale It means you are responsible for all aspects of your property’s sale, from advertising your listing to arranging open houses.
How often do you think a prospective buyer calls in to set up a showing for a specific property (your property) and the agent says – “sure, we’ll set up an appointment – but while were out looking at that property let’s look at these “others” that I think you may be interested in.” Personally, I don’t blame them, that is how they earn a living – I would do the same thing, it’s called “hedging your bets”.
In addition, the buyer in his purchase offer can ask the seller to pay all or part of the agent’s commission or fee although the seller is not obligated to do so. Proper negotiation, therefore, is of utmost importance when working with a buyer’s agent.