By this point and time, many people have heard about buying preconstruction condos and some of the amazing profits that have been generated by these investments. In Finland , a condominium-like arrangement where the ownership of the real estate is assigned to specific apartments ( Finnish : hallinnanjakosopimus, Swedish : avtal om delning av besittningen) is usually used only with detached or semi-detached houses.
So, when you rent a condo, the individual condo owner is your landlord, but when you rent an apartment, the property manager that works for the corporation (the owners) serves as your landlord of sorts, though you may not have as much contact with them directly as you would a landlord because all members of the leasing office assist residents.
There are certain aspects of condo and villa ownership that are constant; for seven months from November through May, the climate will be ideal, there will be numerous activities to enjoy and an abundance of friends to enjoy them with, and every condo or villa will have a panoramic, breathtaking view of the Banderas Bay and the Sierra Madre mountains.
Both condo and condominium are used colloquially in the Canadian province of Quebec , where the official term is divided co-ownership In France , however, the term is simply copropriété (“co-property”), and the common areas of these properties are usually managed by a Syndicat de copropriété , or “co-property union” (“union” in the sense of “association”).
The condo hotel unit is subject to the same dips in the market that affect all hotels in the competitive market set: hurricanes, terrorist threats, warm winters up north, price of gas, etc., all of which can affect a unit’s occupancy rate and the amount of revenue it generates.