When buying a home, you may have encountered the phrase seller assist when you start discussing about your approved bank loan. Get a list of closing costs from your lender so you can make sure you’re ready with the funds (in the form of a cashier’s check), and all other necessary paperwork, well before your closing date to ensure that your home buying process proceed smoothly.
This is the day you get your house keys—but first, you have some serious paperwork to do. You’ll set an appointment for closing on your house , and you’ll need to bring your driver’s license, a cashier’s check for your down payment and closing costs (which range from 2 to 5 percent of the home’s purchase price) — and a lot of patience.
Of Banking and Consumer Finance; NH: Licensed by the NH Banking Dept., #6743MB; NV: License #626; NJ: New Jersey – Quicken Loans Inc., 1050 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48226, (888) 474-0404, Licensed Mortgage Banker – NJ Banking and Insurance Dept.; NY: Licensed Mortgage Banker – NYS Banking Dept.; OH: MB 850076; OR: License #ML-1387; PA: Licensed by the Dept.
This meant we were confident that he knew exactly what he was doing, that he would be able to explain every aspect of the process to us (as complete house buying newbies we went into this knowing hardly anything) and that he would find the best deal possible for us in the process.
So they tend to be surprised to discover that estate agents here in the UK represent the property owners rather than the buyers – and that they, as buyers, are expected to register with the property agent listed on a particular property in order to see it.