Serving the commercial real estate needs of North Texas. As you get more referral business from ‘happy’ clients you should still continue the call process as it is foundational to permanent and real success in all types of commercial real estate markets. You have an options of renting on your own or sharing a single complex with others which is a practical options for those first time business person.
Good asset management is an important facet of maximising office space potential, and providing expert advice on proposed lease terms, extensions and renewals can help deliver stronger results. Some investors prefer properties with the cap that is higher than the interest rate they pay for the loan.
This six-story office building in Getty Square has 70,072 square feet, and space in it can be leased from five to 15 years. The 11-story office towers include more than 550,000 square feet of space, with the first two floors dedicated to restaurant and retail use.
Property investors in commercial real estate know that the real growth comes through holding property for a number of years. Taking a look at the performance of Apollo Commercial Real Estate Finance, Inc. While banks are willing to offer real estate loans, they naturally expect the investor to make a down payment.
The scope, intensity and focus of any due diligence investigation of commercial or industrial real estate depends upon the objectives of the party for whom the investigation is conducted. The rule that a Buyer must examine, judge, and test for himself, applies to the purchase of commercial real estate.