You may have gone by a house and saw the orange stickers on the front door or windows. It should be noted that HUD doesn’t warrant the condition of its properties available via the HUD Homestore, and won’t pay to correct any defects nor provide funds for any necessary repairs. HUD Homes are initially offered for owner occupant purchasers. Our loan officers are well versed in FHA guidelines to help buyers navigate through the process to closing.
All real estate agents have their own websites where they update the HUD foreclosure listings for sale. The City of Milwaukee will offer special consideration to interested homebuyers who live within 500 ft (or their assignee) of a City owned property and will occupy the property.
There’s also a chance you’ll be bidding against several other would-be buyers. HUD then sells these homes at market value. Bids, or offers, are made through a HUD-approved realtor who agrees to take only 1 percent in commission on the sale. There is definitely an art and science to bidding on these foreclosures, and I’ve seen homeowners bid way too much for a HUD Home due to inexperience.
This article is written for home buyers, not investors, and I will discus the things they should know before making a bid on a HUD house. HUD HOMES FOR SALE can be purchased online by visiting or by e-mailing the Author, Frances Flynn Thorsen, at Fran@ HUD HOMES FOR SALE is a Guide that I recommend openheartedly.
All HUD homes are offered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, or familial status. With over 2 million listings, you’ll be sure to find a real estate bargain that meets your needs. By far Foreclosed Homes for Sale are the best option for investment by many first time buyers and investors of real estate.